Best Crystals For Protection & Grounding

There is a constant stream of imperceptible energy surrounding us at all times from the people, things and places we interact with. Unless we live in a bubble, it’s very difficult to stay away from all of this all the time! That’s why protection stones are such a  perfect way to keep us safe and clear of negative energies and influences. Grounding and protection crystals act as a filter to help stop intrusive, toxic vibrations from penetrating our energy fields, and they help to bring us back to our body to check in with ourselves. They can help us feel secure within our healthy boundaries, and act as a silent barrier to stop other energies from crossing into our energetic space uninvited. When our own energy is grounded, we’re also able to maintain much stronger boundaries. We have the best crystals for protection here for you to experience - see which resonates with you, or let us know if you’d like some help choosing the strongest protection stone for you!

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