Angel Aura Quartz Crystal Meaning:

Angel Aura is a quartz crystal that has been treated with vaporised platinum, which gives it a soft, ethereal, rainbow sheen. Angel Aura has a peaceful and serene vibration, calming and quieting the mind and showing us that just as we can tune in and feel the peace of the Angelic Realms, we can find peace within ourselves because all that is heavenly also resides within us.

Angel Aura is an inner beauty crystal, reminding us that the beauty of the world around us is part of our innate state - a shining light within each of us. This is a high vibration crystal that provides an uplifting energy assisting in bringing awareness of the Divine Light of our Soul and in remembering past lives. In the presence of  Angel Aura one will feel a sense of connectedness, light and deep peace. 


Crown, Etheric