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These pages are a compendium of information about the energetic properties of crystals. Since the beginning of Human Kind our beautiful treasures from the Crystal Realm have offered divinatory insights, vibrational healing and power to our Rituals and practices. They have been honoured, revered, sought after and traded since the dawn of our days and it is in our nature to connect with and utilise their energy to enhance our lives. The information in these pages is a combination of my own intuitions and experience as well as snippets of valuable information from texts on crystals by other reliable Crystal Workers (reference list below).
It is important to remember that working with crystals is about having the tools to assist us to do the necessary work on ourselves. If serious issues are present it is always important to seek professional advice and help.
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Grounding, vitality, clarity, confidence, trust, ancient knowledge, earth healing, messages from nature.
Voice, gentle, soothing, calming the nerves, speaking with eloquence, connection to the Divine.
Growth, wisdom through inner work, shadow work, overcoming self-destructive emotions
Connection to natural realms, embracing nature, grounding, connection to Earth, manifesting, peace, perseverance, persistence.
Connection to nature, love of plants and gardening, plant devas, nature spirits, Earth energy.
Truth, communications, trust, intuition, regeneration, calm, creativity, going with the flow of life.
Shining light, healing, vitality, clearing, grounding, astral knowledge, transmuting negativity, Solar energy.
Intuition, calming, sobering, accessing wisdom, bringing peace, protection, healing, divine guidance.
Serenity, connection to Angels and the Divine, peace, calm, uplifting, past life recall, honouring beauty.
Tranquility, Guardian Angels and benevolent beings, intuition, clairvoyance, visions, peace, stillness.
Solace, overcoming grief and heartbreak, forgiveness, solidarity, wisdom, purification, protection.
Goals, manifestation, will power, positive attitude, clearing negative blocks, shining light on the path ahead.
Authenticity, high vibration, soothing, calming, uniqueness, truth, aura-cleansing, light energy, psychic protection.
Calm, soothing, cooling, calming, diffusing anger and conflict, promoting truthful communications, protection.
Stay strong, “This too will pass” Relieves overwhelm, brings strength, courage and perseverance, balance.
Illumination, shining the light on the darkest corners of the psyche, multidimensional awareness, self knowledge.
Responsibility, Life Path, self discipline, overcome bad habits, empowerment, inspiration, creativity.
Good luck, optimism, freshness, happiness, good fortune, gratitude, blessings, heart space.
Clairvoyance, visions, psychic activation, intuition, inner-knowing, truth, assimilating information.
Vitality, strength, courage, physical health, purification, removing negativity, emotional detox.
Intuition, creative inspiration, gentle flow of divine guidance, visions, psychic abilities, truth, clarity, calm.
Insight, calming, soothing, peaceful, clarity, letting go, forgiveness, finding the highest path.
Relax, uplifting, calming, gently softening the emotions and soothing the heart. rejuvenating sleep.
Will power, confidence, personal power, new directions, higher purpose alignment, manifesting abundance.
Will power, creative potency, sexuality, vitality, life force, enjoyment, pleasure, solar energy.
Fertility, potentiality, brining forth ideas into reality, creative power, vitality, sexuality, manifestations.
Eloquence, understanding messages from spirit, clairvoyance, mediumship, perception, clear communications.
Higher realms, high vibration, divine connection, spirit guides, peace and calm, relaxation, intuition.
Harmony, work/life balance, personal growth, creative, intuitive, telepathy, anxiety relief, peace, calm.
Transformation, deep meditation, goddess devotion, intuition, psychic vision, protection, security, confidence, inner peace.
Life purpose, spiritual lessons, growth after challenge, signs, symbols, messages, subtle energies, self improvement.
Compassion, communication, goddess energy, divine feminine, power in gentleness, truth, articulation, responsibility.
Rejuvenation, refreshing, the energy of the Spring, blossoming, new growth, natural progressions, generosity.
Alchemy, the merchants stone, abundance, business goals, achievements, buying, selling, manifestations, bending reality.
Abundance, joy, optimism, positive energy flow, friendships, financial wealth, fertility, manifestation, power.
Wisw Woman, conducting and amplifying spiritual energy, Earth wisdom, natural remedies, respect.
Fun, inner child, optimism, joy, playfulness, light-heartedness, trust in stressful situations, youth.
Peace, communication with spirit and benevolent beings, serenity, release negative patterns, realignment, release.
Forgiveness, releasing behavioural patterns, healing past lives for the now, understanding soul contracts.
Courage, energy and embodiment of Dragons, strength, vitality, grounding, protection, confidence, warrior spirit.
Intuition, Third Eye activation, psychic abilities, cognitive development, mental enhancement, happiness, non-reaction.
Soul purpose, alignment with the Divine, filling the aura with love, light and joy, channelling, mediumship.
Self love, abundance of love and good fortune. Emotional healing, courage, vitality,, soul purpose, compassion.
Self worth, creating space in life to follow your heart and honour your needs. Hearts desire, wishes, purpose.
Physical healing, mending broken bones and cellular damage, healing after surgery, twin flames, soul mates.
Assist with mental clarity, organising thoughts and ideas, clears away obsolete thoughts.
Allows your Spirit to feel at peace, understanding your part in the universal plan, psychic development.
Focus, mental enhancement, increased memory, clearing energy field, multi-tasking & decision making.
Emotional, mental and physical clarity, assist with psychic abilities and intuition, aura cleansing.
Power, passion, vitality, personal strength, grounding, drive, desire, physical body, abundance, stress relief.
Healing, bringing the physical body into health and alignment on all levels, energy boost, taking action, decisiveness.
Grounding, manifesting spiritual purpose in the physical, bridging between heaven and earth. Mental clarity.
Psychic, intuition, telepathy, angelic realms, personal growth, communicating truth, good relationships, higher purpose.
Spiritual Light, high vibration, energy boost, amplification, enhancement, purity, clarity, divinity.
Peace, relieves stress, overcomes grief, calms the busy mind, assists with getting a good nights sleep.
Rhythm of life, happiness, optimism, challenges will pass, new opportunities will arise, soul purpose, emotional healing, stress relief.
Connection with Earth, inner journeying, sacred civilisations, dream work, visioning.
Vitality, grounding, strength, stamina, passion, creative energy, nurture, letting go of guilt and old hurts.
Psychic protection, purification and grounding in magic, spell work and journeys to other realms, aligning with the divine flow of the universe.
Connect to other worlds, higher knowledge, release feelings of failure, supports new beginnings.
Love, emotional healing, opening to divine love, unconditional love, letting go of hurts and traumas.
Visions, enhancing psychic ability, accessing knowledge and healing from past life recall, life purpose.
Clearing, aura cleansing, intuition, mental capacity, lucid dreaming, astral traveling dream interpretation.
Find yourself, accessing our true nature through reconnecting with Mother Earth, hearts desire, personal truth.
Magic, alchemy, destiny, integrity, protection, unseen realms. Working with the natural laws of the universe to create and manifest.
Leadership, virtues, high moral values, truth, creativity, visions, clairvoyance, psychic awareness, communication.
Dolphin energy, joyous, fun and playful, calming, cooling, powerful feminine energy, divine goddess, release fear.
Love and light, seeds of divine wisdom and knowledge from our Lemurian ancestors. Purity, divinity, Earth love.
Release, feminine energy, releasing trauma and old hurts, letting go, peaceful, restful, intuition transition.
Sleep, deep peace, relieving insomnia, worry and stress, combating depression, aligning with our highest purpose.
Higher perspective, wishing and manifesting, shamanic work, nature connection, seeing visioning, knowledge.
Embrace the new, adventures, new places, new friends. Childbirth the midwifes stone,, grounding spirit into body. Earth love and natural magic.
Alchemy, magic, psychic ability, inter-dimensional travel, shadow aspects, darker realms, wholeness, insight.
Interdimensional travel and communication, Kundalini activation, spiritual awakening, access to Akashic Records.
Transformation, spiritual purpose, soul alignment, living truth, transcending negative emotions, galactic guides.
Tribe, inner child, joy for life, physical healing, positive attitude, connections to ancestors soul family.
New beginnings, attuning with the Moon, goddess energy, divine feminine, fertility, the cyclic nature of life.
Psychic protection, cleansing, clearing, grounding, removing bad vibes, magic, safety, power, maintaining integrity, journey to other realms.
Heart opening, soothing, assisting meditation, removing emotional hooks from the Aura, releasing fears and phobias.
Earth Magic, connection to nature and Mother Earth, syncing with natural rhythms, womens protection, faeries.
Removing blocks holding you back, release old wounds, overcome perceived limitations.
Purity, releasing negative patterns, past life recall, animal totems, spirit communications, spirit guides, psychic protection.
Releasing fear, grounding, protection, overcoming phobia, mental discipline and focus, dedication, magic, spiritual transformation.
Tranquility, peace, love, innocence, healing matters of the heart, releasing stuck emotions and old hurts, healing emotional pain.
Transition, success and achievement, communication, connection to light beings and the angelic realms, friendships, verbalising feelings.
Harmony, bringing peace, clearing disharmonious energy, opening the heart, amplifying heart energy, spiritual growth.
The healers stone, the stone to replenish the heart of those who give energy to others. Inner peace, aligning will power with the hearts truth.
Strength, physical energy, vitality, stamina, masculine energy, confidence, power, standing up for yourself.
Amplification, white light, all round healing, clarity, purity, positive energy, cleansing and clearing.
Love, gentleness, emotional healing, stress relief, romance, soul mates, divinity, heart opening.
Fast action, healing, manifestation, handling overwhelm, infuses energy field with light.
Grounding, transmutation of negative energies, anxiety relief, organisation, manifesting dreams.
Earth, loving connection to plants, animals and all living things, Earth healing, devic realms, joy and grounding.
The gift of giving, filling the heart with love and joy though generosity and altruism, finding your talents, self worth, love.
Independence, heart healing, psychic awareness, connection with spirit realm, remove blocks to love.
Vitality, joy, life force. awakening true self, presence, spiritual growth, healing.
Higher heart, inner peace, tranquility, relaxation, inter-dimensional travel, head heart connection.
Clearing, transmuting negative energies, raising vibration, spiritual activation, communion with angels.
Angelic Realm, self-healing, regeneration, wholeness, angelic connection, alignment, Divine Feminine.
Regeneration, transformation, rebirth, creativity, finding your true purpose, sexuality, fertility, psychic protection.
Intuition, mediumship, communication of wisdom from higher realms, connection to inner realms.
Self expression, harmony, creativity, communication, awareness of Universal truths, trust, intuition, inspiration.
Psychic protection, love, protection from negative entities, letting go of stress, removing negative attachments.
Smiles, benevolence, strength, leadership, abundance, blessings, joy, enlightened masculine energy.
Extra terrestrials, enhance telepathic communications, raise vibrations, expand consciousness.
Promotes a state of calm, release stress, aids overanxious, and the quick-tempered.
Balance, courage, motivation, good luck, balance, inspiration, shapeshifting, focus on true passion.
Grounding, protection, purification, clearing bad vibes, banishing, release worry and anxiety.
Channeling, psychic mediumship, communication with spirit, easing the fear of death.
Heart healing, joy, happiness, compassion, Earth healing, heart healing, energy flow.
Happiness, loving energy, stress relief, lift depression, soothe anxiety, ritual protection, passion for life.
Courage, master healer, warrior, protection, wisdom, calm, soothe emotional wounds, relieve stress, tranquility.
Yin Yang, balance masculine and feminine energies, release anger, tap into past lives, patience and persistence.
Mind power, mental clarity, break through writer’s block, improve energy, levels, stimulate creativity.
Leap of faith, help find solutions, alleviates despair, trust in spirit, promotes joy, peace, harmony, past lives.
Chakra activation, life force, focus, manifestation.
1. Robert Simmons: The Book Of Stones
2. Cassandra Eason: Crystals
3. Judy Hall: The Crystal Bible, Volume 1, 2 & 3